“One cannot live with sighted eyes and feeling heart and not know or react to the miseries which afflict this world.”

– Lorraine Hansberry

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The prison industrial complex is an interconnected system of institutions that criminalize, punish, surveil, and incarcerate people based on hierarchies and social power. Our strategies, organizing and policy proposals are driven by a shared goal of abolishing pretrial detention, and thus money bail, to actualize a vision of abolition.

The money bail system fuels mass incarceration and disproportionately impacts Black and low income communities. Black folks are often accused and jailed based on discriminatory and racially-biased policies and monitoring. Money bail often keeps our folks in cells because of their inability to pay.

Corporate opportunists have created an unaccountable and unnecessary $2 billion bail industry to profit from taking away people’s freedom. They have the jurisdiction to follow and track people across state lines to deny them any form of freedom. Every year, millions of people are coerced into paying money bail after they’re arrested just to remain free while their cases are processed. Even though these individuals are still innocent in the eyes of the law, they and their families or communities are forced to pay non-refundable 10% deposits to for-profit bail bonds companies.